此時此刻, 真的很想什麼都不用做. 真的真的真的好累啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊啊.
我突然覺得, 要死了, 幹嘛要在這個學期這麼拼命, 那明年我該怎麼活啊?
讓我快點畢業吧. 救救我. 真的快瘋了.
I know it's for my own good. But i'm just too tired.
If i can do less. Or just like previous standard. Gosh, i've already finished everything like week ago.
It's too much. and i started to lose the urge to continue it.
Please, just finish this shit and you'll be totally okay. Just do it okay?
The effort is just too much. kill me.