my post reach 60+ already... quite a number man...
and, my ex-blog has 150 posts there...
omg...i've write quite a lots...
wakaka...that time when i decided to change my blog to pixnet...im hesitated...
but, actually after some time... you will feel relief because you did it...
i also feel so after i 'killed' my half handicap 'virgomiin' in maplestory...lolz...
okok...thx all my friends who read my blog...
and, what im going to say next are im a good kid...hehe...= )
mummy's word is always the best for you...
so, i did or doing something...err...quite bad (i think so) to someone...
really sorry if dat person is REALLY a good person...
i mean if he is REALLY a good person...
everyday there was many people view my blog and i dunno actually there was how many person that really read my post...
but the number give me some courages...^^
lolz...the end...=.='''
in conclusion... this post has two purposes...
first is just feel like want to write some rubbish...xP
second is to train my broken english...
really sorry if there was many grammar mistakes...
pls correct me if u see any...
thanks a lots ~~~for being my english teacher...hahahahaha...
k? please give me a hand and help me...
i never get an A in my english test...T_T
and, i anti-tuition...
coz im too lazy to do so...
so, please...^^